If you want to give your customer something they will use and remind them of your services on
daily basis, you can’t go wrong with a Mag Pad. A fridge magnet with a pad attached (Mag Pad) are one of the most cost-effective promotions you can buy.
These fridge magnets not only promote your business but ensures your brand stays at the forefront of your customers minds.
What is a Mag Pad?
With a Mag Pad, there are several options. A range of mag-pads contain a slot which enables the user to insert a small note pad. The actual magnet would typically be branded with your business details and contain important contact information like your telephone number or website address. You can buy the magnetic part separately and buy your own pads or buy a magnet with pad included and also have the option to have each pad and each sheet on the pad printed with your brand. There are a lot of options with this product. The most popular pads tend to hold either a A7 or A6 pads, which ensures the product is still light weight allowing the magnet to hold the pads on the fridge.
A second option with a mag pad contains no attachment at all. The magnet itself is the pad and these are sold with a dry wipe pen allowing the recipient to use the mag pad as a reusable reminder.
Who Uses Them?
A surprising amount of diverse businesses use a Mag Pad. The reason for their popularity is their versatility. Unlike many magnets they have a secondary practical use allowing the recipient not only to be reminded about your business, but to use the pads as shopping lists or reminders.
The humble Mag Pad is used by businesses from takeaways to financial advisors from business housing associations to schools. If you’re looking for an affordable marketing solution, this is one of the best ROI promotional products you can invest in.
What Are the Benefits?
While there is a lot of focus on digital marketing or traditional merchandise products like pens and notebooks, when done properly, a Mag Pad offers a brilliant brand impression cost and associates your brand with something useful.
A Mag Pad has a great deal of longevity given its use and the fact pads can be replaced meaning the product is often sat on your customer’s fridge or boiler for years to come. Thus providing a constant reminder to the customer of what you provide.
When they need your service or something similar, they’ll already have the contact details and information from your business to reach out.
The other good news is that a Mag Pad is a relatively low-cost investment for businesses. You can send them in a campaign by post given their low weight and flat profile. Mag Pads are great for giving to existing customers, handing them out at events or even adding to other promotional material.
Where Can I Buy Mag Pads
The good news is that Branded Magnets has a wide range of different Mag Pads for businesses of all types. You can easily add your branding message to these and soon have a marketing tool that not only delivers good value but a great return on investment.
If you want to attract your customer’s attention for many months if not years, then browse our selection of Mag Pads today