Branded Fridge Magnets – How to put your advertising billboard up in your customer’s kitchen

Why a simple promotional  branded fridge magnet could be the best way to promote your business…and some surprising facts.  

When you place an advert in a paper, post a leaflet or even advertise, would you expect your customer to look at your advert 15,000 times?  Bear with me here, because you may be surprised by what I’m going to tell you.

To qualify my background I ran a marketing and advertising agency for two decades. During this time we supplied many traditional and digital forms of marketing for our customers. Of course, there is a huge preoccupation with digital marketing methods, targeted online advertising and social media. However, one of the most effective and affordable marketing tools we came across was a simple custom-printed branded fridge magnet.

Branded Magnets have massive advertising power

Consider how often you head to the fridge in your own home. According to a research project conducted at the American Purdue University, the average person visits a fridge 10 – 12 times a day. So for a family of 4 that means your advert on a promotional branded fridge magnet could be viewed 300 times a week or 15,000 times a year. That’s 15.000 views of your advert in the heart of a customers’ home… again could you match that with a newspaper advert or a leaflet?

One of the most surprising statistics is that the average household will keep a promotional branded fridge magnet a staggering 6  years. People simply don’t like to throw them away. That in effect is the lowest cost per brand impression in the advertising industry.  Particularly when you consider some promotional branded fridge  magnets are less than 10p per unit  at

Providing your customers with a custom branded fridge magnet is like placing a billboard right inside your customer’s home. An advert they see over 15,000 times per year. That makes branded promotional fridge magnets a powerful marketing tool.

Ff you are thinking of placing adverts, having leaflets printed / distributed or are budgeting marketing spend consider the facts.

If you want to remind existing customers to call you or return for your service. Or you want to generate new business, then think of the longevity or fridge magnets and their low cost per brand impression.  After all no other form of advertising lasts as long!